Angel Visitation Story for Veterans Day

I woke thinking this morning of the journey my mother has been on being married to a retired marine.

There are so many things I had no awareness about before. No awareness of the deep and permanent sacrifices that are demanded from all of our service men and women. Awareness of how this spills over into their everyday life and the lives of their family…forever.

Happy Veterans DayThis Veterans Day and every day, I am grateful for their service.

Thank you to those who serve in ways we can’t imagine. Those who have seen things we would never want to see. Those who have sacrificed parts of themselves mentally, physically and emotionally so we can live our lives as we do each day. Thank you!

I was also inspired to share a little from a book I am reading, the “Encyclopedia of Angels” by Richard Webster.  This encyclopedia covers Angels from all religions, both current and ancient. It reminds us that Angels are here to assist us with anything and everything. We only have to ask.

This particular entry in the book is about an Angel visitation that seemed fitting to share today, on Veteran’s Day.

The Angels of Mons was a wonderful account of Angels appearing on August 28th , 1914, during World War I. It was reported that both British and German soldiers suddenly stopped shooting. Both sides saw four or five, winged and robed figures in the sky near the town of Mons, Belgium. These Angels remained in the sky for 45 minutes.

What an amazing experience that must have been for those that witnessed it!  Have you had a personal experience with Angels?

2 thoughts on “Angel Visitation Story for Veterans Day”

  1. During WW I Christmas Eve both the Germans & British stopped fighting on the War Front and sang Xmas Carols. Both sides started fighting after the pause.

    1. Wow, that must have been hard on them to stop, sing carols and then start fighting again! What a blessing they were able to pause and be at peace for just a few moments. Thanks for sharing this. 🙂

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