Anger is Useless, Forgiveness and Forward Action are Key!

Today, I am straying a bit with this post, but I felt I needed to write it.

Last night I watched a this video clip of a news reporter who had invited Philippe Cousteau (the great Oceanographer, Jaque Cousteau’s grandson) on a hazmat dive into the Gulf Oil Spill. It showed the beautiful blue gulf waters and the layers of swirling, overly dispersed, oil.

I too am a diver. I have seen the incredible beauty and range of life that lives in the oceans and the gulf. This breaks my heart along with so many others!

As my mind ran away with angry, fearful and hopeless chatter, I realized that all that was being accomplished was the filling of my body and energy system with it’s own toxic soup of negativity, creating layers of  murky gunk for my intuition to try to get through!  In addition, just like the spreading oil in the gulf, if I did not contain, collect and remove this negativity and fear from my body, it would spread to my husband and children and all whom Iconnect with.

I realized that Anger is Useless, and internalizing it by not letting it go is worse. The only solution to both the real oil spill and our own is to forgive (even if only a little bit at a time) and move forward with positive action and thoughts.

I can hear what some are thinking right now as reading this…..”How the BLEEP, can I NOT be Angry! You want me to FORGIVE “THEM”? Are you nuts!”

Don’t get me wrong….I never said it was going to be easy! It most certainly will not!

In fact, it may be one of the hardest things we will have to do as individuals, as a country, and as humans, because of the incrediblely wide impact this event continues to have and because of the length of time it will be around.

However, we must move forward to deal with this. We must keep our mind and consciousness open and clear in order to receive the  guidance we need to deal with this now and in the future. It is through intuition that the engineers with “discover” a way to stop this flow. It is through intuition, that the scientists with “discover” ways to help with the clean up and after math. It is through intuition, that we will receive the guidance we need to move forward and make the changes we need to in our lives and we MUST make changes.

So I will end this (feel free to modify it to fit your own religion or belief system) with a prayer originally written by Sonia Choquette which I have modified slightly.

Divine Spirit, direct me to make the right decisions.
Move my lips to speak the right words.
Move my feet in the right direction;
And move my mind towards forgiveness and integrity.

Wishing you Your Intuitive Best!


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