Are Old Habits Interfering With Your Intuition?

How many times have you ignored your Intuition
or a Gift from the Universe
because of Old Habits?


Probably more often than you would like to admit or more often than you are even are aware of! I was presented with an excellent lesson in this area a little over a week ago. Happily, the Universe nudged a little harder and wasn’t going to take “No, I can’t…” for an answer!

Sherry Bowers and Pamela Bruner at Transfrom 2013
Sherry Bowers and Pamela Bruner
(co-author with Jack Canfield)
at “Transfrom” – 2013

This is how I ended up in a photo with Pamela Bruner, who co-authored the book Tapping Into Ultimate Success, with Jack Canfield.

So, here is how things unfolded…

Two of my clients were currently being coached in one of Pamela’s programs, and I had been working with them to get their websites up and rolling. That week Pamela Bruner was holding her annual Live Event “Transform 2013.” My client Lili, asked me if I was going to the event.

My Old Habits spoke for me…“No, I can’t.”

Lili, explained that she had a free ticket and could put my name on the list so I could attend. Being less aware of my guidance than normal that day, my Old Habits spoke for me again…“No, I can’t.”

Thankfully, Lili could see what I couldn’t that day. “You really should try to go. There are so many there that need what you do. How about I just put your name in anyway? Then if you can make it, your name tag will be waiting for you.”

I thanked her and agreed, still not giving it too much thought.

When my husband came home, I told him about the ticket. “Where is it being held?” he asked. “I don’t know. I haven’t paid attention.” I replied.

He continued…”Didn’t you tell me before that Pamela lives in North Carolina? I bet it is in Charlotte. Why don’t you go check.”

You see, I was SO entrenched in my “I CAN’T” habit, I hadn’t even realized the event was in Charlotte!
It would only be a 30 Minute drive!
I COULD at least go on Saturday, since my husband would be home to watch the kids!


I attended the last day and had a wonderful time. I was able to network, learn, enjoy conversations with people I would never would have met otherwise, and get a taste of the future! Priceless!

This made me remember that our Intuition will guide us IF we listen AND it will bring opportunities and messages from places and people we don’t expect. BUT if we DO listen and ARE OPEN to possibilities…miracles can happen!


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