The Big Why

The year of the BIG WHY

What living your “BIG WHY” looks like in real life.

If you are a coach or healer and have been trying to grow your business online, you have probably been told you have to have a “BIG WHY.”  Your “Big Why” is that deep driving force that keeps you going when things get tough.

For me, it has always been the idea of being able to put my family as my top priority. To be able to take off if I needed to. Having the ability to attend every award ceremony, or performance that my kids had. Knowing I could drive them to school, pick them up, and not have them come home to an empty house.

Perhaps it was the traumatic way each of them came into this world. Perhaps it was my own past traumas. Regardless, I realize life is fragile, short, and not to be missed.

Yet, even though I knew my “Big Why”, it was always an intangible thing, a concept that floated around in my head. Until August of 2017.

In August of 2017, the year of the “Big Why” began.

I didn’t realize it then, but I was going to be living my “Big Why” for the next 13 months. It started with a call from my stepfather that my mother was in the hospital with a burst appendix. The next day I was on a plane to Hawaii to help with her recovery. Ten days after that she was flying back with me to spend the next 2 months living with us and recuperating.

Then came my daughter’s Senior year in high school and her dreams of going to college. Along with it came a huge amount of stress and many doctor visits with my daughter to find answers to recurring, severe intestinal pain. And of course the financial aid applications, scholarship applications, and stress of not knowing at that moment how on earth, we were going to be able to pay her tuition. My “BIG WHY” had grown much bigger and had become very real and tangible in my day to day life.

As all of this stress grew, I leaned heavily on my support system of tapping, prayer, and actively following my guides/Angels’ intuitive guidance, as best as I could, even when it led me in uncomfortable directions. Miracles manifested and we moved her into her college dorm on August 8th, 2018. I had not realized how much of my energy it would take to make that all happen. Nor had I anticipated how important it was to spend this sacred time together as a family, over the summer. I am so grateful I was able to do that.

If I had been working at a job, I wouldn’t have been able to.

Of course, as any parent who has sent a child to college knows, the next phase of adjusting to her being away was equally hard and this being my first, I had completely underestimated the effect it would have on me. I found it very hard to get motivated or inspired to do anything in my business or elsewhere. The only thing I still had motivation for was to get my son started in his Junior year of high school.

Through all of this, my business was there. It suffered a bit, yes. It wasn’t all cake and ice cream. There were many days of panic, frustration, tears, and self-doubt. However, my Angels and guides and my own coaches helped me to keep moving forward and it was ok. The key was having support.

This intense year made me realize three things about my business (or any business) on a very deep level:

  1. Listening to and following your inner guidance system (Intuition, Angels & Guides) IS the most important and sacred business skill to develop.
  2. Having the right online technology tools in place and knowing how to use them yourself. This is critical to growing your business in the good times and the bad.
  3. We all need a coach. One who has been there, done that, and can help support us with the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Often this is an area that family and friends just can’t help us with.

Now that I have experienced my year of the BIG WHY, I know I will be talking more about these three key issues. I’ll also be making some shifts in my business as “Guided”. 😉

How about you?

What are you being guided to do, but afraid to try?

You can download my free ebook, 10 Easy Steps to Developing Your Intuition to help you trust and follow your guidance.

How could your technology support you better?

You can register for my free tech training library.

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