Bubble-up Post-Election

Bubble Up Post-Election

Three day’s after the election, I felt the need to reconnect with my guides. It had been a very long time since I had sat and allowed myself to connect and channel anything. It had been long enough I wasn’t even sure if I could calm my energy enough to connect. But I sat and opened to receive anyway.

The message that came helped me navigating some of my post-election emotions. I hope they may help you too.

Below is the entire channeling I received from my guides. Their words I have italicized, and kept the wording true to how it was received. However, I also receive images and a knowing that comes with the words which clarifies the intended meaning. I have designated those by parenthases and have not italicized them, as they are my personal additions.

Here is what they shared with me…

Channeled – November 8th, 2024

We are here, all is well, regardless of appearance this day. You ask how to go forward and structure your business and make it fly as you desire, to do the good you could envision and to be on the right path. (I had asked how to grow my business bigger with all of this going on, so we can afford to move.) But there is No Right Path, only forward evolution and growth. And what “IS” (meaning the world right now) has been created by “ALL” (meaning all of us). It can only change as “ALL” change and there is the crux of the issue.

You are at the same time, both helpless to change it, AND Infinitely Powerful to change it! Flow is how you move through life and guide others to move through life.

You ask, how can you do that without money? (as in not have A LOT of money.)

You must truly see money as the tool it is. Neither good or bad. It is a tool to be used for good or bad. (Meaning that it is our choice to use it for good or bad.)You worry that making money as part of the Old System is bad, as it supports what you feel are bad businesses. (As is investing in corporations or Crypto.) Again, it is the tool only. And what are tools used for? To build bigger things. If you fail to build your big thing (as in being more visible and more vocal in my marketing for more clients.) with those tools, the others will build with those same tools, something you desire less! For creation never stops.

The next issue you struggle with is opposition and fighting. (meaning the opposition and division in this country, because of how draining it is for me.) We challenge you to think of it as a path choice. Focus on your path ONLY. Let love propel you and blind yourself from other’s paths as they are of no use and no concern.

The fear that is felt by you and others needs to be understood as a “possible outcome. Not a “written-in-stone” outcome. Possibilities and probabilities are everywhere and all at once. Our most important guidance (guidance for everyone) is to shine brightly and connect often (as in connecting to your spiritual practice.) Trust the thoughts, ideas, images and “nudges” ,as you say, too. As they are your guidance to your next steps.

Plan and action for possible outcomes is always wise in the physical. (This felt like a confirmation to me that the urges I’ve been having to create backup plans for our future was valid and not just my own fears.) Do not fear those thoughts, they are being sent and received in love and light.

Bubble up dear ones. (This was a reference to the practice of surrounding yourself in a bubble of pure love & white light every day.)

How to Bubble Up

If you are unfamiliar with “Bubbling Up”, I would recommend doing this every morning and evening. As well as, anytime during the day when things start to feel overwhelming. Here is how I do it.

  • Download the White Light Meditation PDF
  • Find some place quiet. You can sit or stand or laydown, what ever you are comfortable with.
  • Take a few breaths to quiet yourself.
  • Imagine a beautiful white, shimmering light coming down from God/Spirit/Universe. (Whatever has spiritual meaning for you.)
  • Imagine it entering the top of your head and flowing through you, filling up your body with light.
  • Imagine it filling in all around you until you are surrounded by this beautiful, shimmering, protective light energy. (I often imagine it to be like the soap bubbles you blow as a child, but strong and protective.)
  • Then recite the following prayer/mantra/affirmation (call it whatever you like). Filling in your word where you see the blank line. (God/Christ/Source/Universe/your word)

I hope you find it as useful as I do. I always feel better afterwards.

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