Channeling-Presidential Election and Trump

Channeling about the Presidential Election and Trump

Along with many I am speaking with and reading posts from, I too am struggling with all the “Why’s, What if’s, What Now, What does this mean”, questions this election has brought to the forefront. And, each day since the election my internal nudge to connect with my guides has grown stronger. I knew they were waiting for my questions and had insights to share. Today, I found some quiet time for Channeling about the presidential election and Trump.

First, before I share, I want to say. I did not vote for Trump. I do not condone his words, or actions, or character. I do not condone business and money being the sole definition of success. I do not condone hate. I do not condone leading with fear.

That being said, let me share what I received this morning…

As I connected with spirit, I asked “Why did this happen and what can you share with us to help us move forward?”

Spirit replied…

We are here my Telose. (This is always how they begin and what they call me.) 

These are good questions to ask at this time.

As you know, the energy of this year is to end things, so that new can grow and change, or rather, replace what no longer fits.  (In numerology, this is a “9” universal year. One of endings. Astrologically there are also alignments this year that signify radical changes.) 

You have known that for a long time. However, there are still so many who are stuck in the past, in the Old Way, in the Fear. They wish to follow, to be the victim. (Meaning to play the victim role). 

This time on earth is pivotal in more ways than the election or global warming. On an energy level, it is one of up-leveling. Yet, this can not happen with so many still unaware and anchored in the old energy. Humanity with its “Free Will” dictates. All must choose.  And to make higher choices, made from a place of love and peace, there must be Awakening of the masses.

The collective energy was stuck and needed to be disrupted to allow awareness of what has been hidden and needs to be healed, transformed and changed.

This is no small task.

And like a festering wound, it required lancing and drawing out.

If for a moment, you can look at Trump through Divine Eyes, you may see how his purpose at this time is to be the lance.

Have no fear. For this lance has served its purpose and now must be discarded to focus on applying the medication to heal the wound. (The word “Discarded” carried the meaning of…shifting our energy and focus from the lance (Trump) to the medicine (finding solutions and healing. The word “Discarded” did not carry a darker tone that could be inferred by reading it.) 

He has done this for the world. Bless his Spirit for that. (We can bless his Spirit without condoning his human expression.)

So now… “what is next?” you ask. “What to do?” you ask?

Live your Purpose, Boldly and Actively.



For you carry the new energy, the energy of love. The energy of healing and peace.

Yes, you ask how to reach half of the country which is aligned with the old and not open to, nor aware of, the energy shift that must take place on this planet?

Just as a deep wound does not heal in a day, neither will this. Yet, it MUST be healed. You chose to be here at this time to assist the planet and transform. In your world, the “awareness” must come through Awakening.  (At this point, our dog began barking at a noise outside and the connection was lost)

I have many more questions about this and will continue to share as answers come.

Wishing you peace, blessings and a Connected Spirit!


14 thoughts on “Channeling about the Presidential Election and Trump”

  1. First off I would like to say that I voted fro Trump. Yes! And so did the majority of true Americans that love our country. Clinton is evil and surrounded by corruption. Trump and Assange exposed the putrid politics as usual government. Trump is not perfect….he is not a polished politician but he loves our country.

    1. Hi M E J,

      I wanted to take time to think about your comment before I replied. I know Trump is not perfect. None of us are. And I am sure he loves this country, just like you do and I do. I do believe he is here for a purpose. Now it is up to all of us to take the time and spend the energy in trying to understand each side.

      May I ask, what was the main issue that you felt strongest about for Trump? Jobs, immigration, pro-live, taxes a personal experience from the past? Just your honest, specific thoughts. Generalized comments don’t help me understand what others are actually feeling and thinking. And if you don’t want to comment back, that is fine too. I just know how I feel and what has made me feel that way. But, I also know that there are other sides, other views, other life events that happen to people that then causes them to think and feel differently than I might. Anyway, those are just my thoughts. 🙂

  2. Thank you for your sharing,Sherry. I keep believing that there is a bigger reason for all of this but still get a sick feeling in my gut for those who are so negatively and personally effected, which is all of us, as we are one. Keep us informed with hope! Paula

      1. Thanks Sherry,
        This has helped me tremendously, I kept wondering why and was told that it had to happen this way. I didn’t vote for him either because I couldn’t align myself with his persona and how he is. I see the backlash this is causing, It was makes me sad.

        1. Hi Linda,

          I am glad it helped. I know for me it is helping to try and learn more about the reasons behind why people voted the way they voted (both sides.) The more we can stop blaming and judging and start really listening and understanding, the sooner heal the rifts and move towards solutions. That is my prayer, anyway.

  3. Thanks Sherry. I so desperately need to be connected to spirit and know why this has happened. Thanks for keeping us informed.

    In peace

  4. Dear Sherry,

    Yes, it is taking a great deal for Mr. Trump to behave in such a despicable fashion…it forces many, who are on the path of improving themselves, to look in the mirror and see themselves, perhaps…and to make the necessary adjustments moving forward, leaving the ‘old’ behind. As for those feeling the opposite, they too will be shown the errant thinking, as he enacts the very things they voted for. After all, Trump, chose to be here at just this time, and be the way he is, at just this time, in history. What an awakening!!

    Thank you for sharing this wonderful and insightful channeling. I am sure it has helped many, and also helped to confirm feelings of many!

  5. Thank you! This was the most sane thing I have read about this election and confirmed a lot for me. Many blessings to you and your guides! 🙂

  6. Great read!Thank you for sharing. Very inspiring to not sit back and complain but be apart of the solution.

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