Channeling - Self-Care is more important than we realize

Channeling – Self Care is More Important Than We Realize

Lately, I have been experiencing a lot of “Shoulds” around taking better care of myself. You know the ones… I “should” lose weight. I “should” exercise. I “should” eat healthier. I “should” meditate more. For me “Shoulds” always carry with them a lot of resistance. However, what I learned this morning while channeling – self care is more important than we realize.

Here is a little background to this… About two weeks ago, I committed to begin with just one of my “shoulds” and that was my spiritual practices. Some mornings I’ve been meditating. Some mornings it has been affirmation work. While other mornings I have been practicing my “Connected Spirit Soul Writing” process to channel with my Angels and Guides. It is so helpful to be able to ask questions about things affecting my life, family, business or world events and be able to gain a bigger insight and better perspective to what is going on.

So this morning I asked about Self-care and how important is it…Really?  Being a mother, a wife and a business owner, it has always been my natural tendency to take care of everyone else first and then convince myself… Oh, I don’t have time to ____ do that for myself right now. (Fill in the blank.)

As usual, the answer I received, helped me to see the importance and broader perspective of taking care of ourselves, that hadn’t really sunk into my awareness before now.

Here is what they shared…

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… There are others here who wish to assist today with your question on self-care and its importance at this time. 

For you see, all is connected, as you know; and when one is out of energetic alignment it affects more than that single individual expression, or person as you say. 

Many feel the immense change taking place at this time, from politics, to weather, to economy. All that you know up to this point is shifting and you are set upon … Yes, the edge of a Massive Shift!

All these things affect the collective energy and the individual energy. Just as the individuals energy affects the collective. For you can not drop a pebble in water without it sending out ever expanding ripples. 

So you see, the connection is of much more importance than many of you realize. It is only by the care of the self, of the individual expression that is YOU, that your affect on the world and planet can be a benefit.  As you take time to center, ground, meditate, move your body, expand your consciousness, you bring that energy forward to all and it becomes easier for others to do the same. This collective connection and loving energy will help diffuse many of the possible outcomes that are in the energy grid of manifestation at this time. 

So you see, Self-care is not truly “care of self…only.” It is more fitting to call it “Oneness Care” or “Divine Expression Care.” 

NOW is the time for each of you to take the importance of this to heart and put your own practices in place. 

That is all my Telose. (Telose, is what my guides call me.)


What can you do today for your own Divine Expression Care?

It can be anything you are drawn to in the moment. Just follow your intuition.

Also, I want to let you know…since this fits into this topic…about a great self-care resource available until the end of this month.

I am co-hosting the Your Divine Biz Gifts Giveaway Event again this year. This event is full of over 170+ free gifts from authors, intuitives, coaches, healers and other spiritual entrepreneurs. It is a wonderful resource for improving or expanding your self-care. Plus the best part is that all the gifts are free.

However, just so you know…. you will see an Optional special offer for purchase as you enter the event. This is only to help the cover the costs of the event. You can easily scroll down and skip them. Then just click the “Get Gifts” link in the menu and Enjoy!

Here are some of the gifts available inside the event:

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