Clearing Effects of New Media

Clearing Away Effects of News Media

The News Media…we are surrounded by it, on T.V., on the radio, online.

Generally, I try to limit the amount I am exposed to because it is just generally depressing. Online, I tend to scan headlines and every now and then read an article or two.

However, sometimes we just get sucked in… I did this week and boy did I get triggered!

It happened so quickly and insidiously that I didn’t realize what happened at first. The day before I had been energetic, productive, feeling good. Then the next day I was scattered, unfocused, unenthused, sad….hmmm.

Has this ever happened to you?

It was drastic enough to make me stop and take note, thinking “What the heck just happened?”

Because this sort of thing can really take its toll, it is important to clear away the affects of news media on you and your business.

I wanted to share with you the guidance I received from my guides on this topic and a meditation to help clear out the “Gunk.”

Channeled from my guides – May 9, 2013

You are holding energy of the news that must be released to allow healing for all (as in the entire world, if we are holding on to it…we are grounding it into our world.) By holding this energy and fear close, it damages your own field (energy field) and lowers you vibration, thus you are more “attractive” to “lower” things than higher.

So, how to release and discharge you ask?

First BREATHE, center and blow out all that is not you or for your highest good. Allow the bubble to float away to the sun to be transformed by the energy and rays of the sun.

Now breathe in all your own energy and bring in energy of source, down into your head to your heart.
Allow this to fill and then burst forth in a radiating light of love energy which surrounds you and radiates out to the world.

Now add the color Violet to transmute all lower energies in all dimensions, times and places. Spend time feeling FULL and then thank Source and go about your day, for all is well…Share this with others…and so it is.

I have recorded the meditation that was given to me. Just click to play it.

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