Connected Spirit Soul Writing ™

What if you could create a Deeper, More Personal, Connection with your Angels and Guides, than you ever thought possible!

Connected Spirit

Imagine being the Spiritual Entrepreneur or Spiritual Seeker who......

  • is able to connect with her Angels and Guides at any time,
  • easily receives priceless guidance and insight for herself and her clients,
  • is able to enjoy a two way conversation with the Divine Realms whenever she desires.

Dear Connected Spirit,

If you are a spiritual entrepreneur or spiritual seeker... wanting to connect with your Angels, High-Level Guides, or Master Teachers...

  • You know you are here to help people,
  • You know you have a calling, a mission, that can not be ignored.
  • You know your Angels and Guides are waiting to assist you.

However, I suspect...

  • You are often faced with situations and decisions that are confusing.
  • You get stuck in your head and can’t stop the mind chatter.
  • You listen to those around you (who often have VERY different views than you do)
  • Even though you can hear the faint whispers of your Soul’s guidance, you doubt your guidance.

And that… is where you get stuck!
Unsure of how to move forward.
Unable to hear your guidance clearly.

You aren’t alone. The good news is there is help waiting!

Actually, there is a lot of help waiting!

There are many Teachers, Angels, and Guides who wish to help you and support you in your sacred work. They are waiting, ready to assist you in creating the life you desire, as a deeply connected spirit.

Your Angels and Guides

How do I know this?

Because, this is the same process I use to access Divine wisdom, guidance and inspiration for own life and business! 

This Divine Partnership has helped me through some of the toughest points in my life, as well as, some of the most joyful. The only way I can describe it, is that you have the most trusted, loving, supportive, wise, best friend, who is always available to you, whenever and where ever you need them, with no judgement or demands.

Access Divine Wisdom

How do I know it would work for you?

Because, it is a skill you can learn and develop! 

Just like learning how to write… you learn about the letters, the symbols, what the rules of grammar and then you practice. The only requirement is desire, intention and the willingness to receive.

Channeled Writing

Why spend the time to learn this?

  • With Connected Spirit Soul Writing ™ you can access information, wisdom and knowledge beyond what you are consciously aware of.
  • You will find a friend who is always there to encourage, support, guide and love you.
  • You will learn to trust and rely on your own intuition more than you ever have before.
  • Your creativity will increase.
  • You will reach new levels of personal and spiritual growth.
  • You will experience feeling more grounded, peaceful, safe and in charge to your life, your business and your sacred path.

Are you ready to develop your own deeply personal, sacred partnership with Your Angels and Guides?

Then, I invite you to join me for…

Connected Spirit Soul Writing

This 6 week program will teach you how to connect and partner with your Divine Guidance Team of Angels and Guides on a very deep and personal level through channeled writing.

Course Curriculum

Module 1: Laying the Foundation

  • What is Connected Spirit Soul Writing
  • What can Connected Spirit Soul Writing do for you
  • What Connected Spirit Soul Writing can’t do for you
  • How you will shift and evolve as you begin this journey

Module 2: Setting the Stage

  • How to tell if you are ready
  • Who are the Angels and Guides you will be working with: High Level vs. Low Level
  • How do they communicate with us

Module 3: Getting Ready

  • What type of Angel or Guide do you want to work with
  • How to attract your Ideal Guide
  • Creating your Sacred Space for working with your Angels and Guides
  • What to expect as you begin: What does it feel like

Module 4: Let's Begin

  • Welcoming Ceremony: Meeting your Angel or Guide for the first time
  • Allowing the pen to move
  • Dealing with the question of “Who is this really?”

Module 5: Practice, Practice

  • What questions to ask your Angels and Guides
  • Allowing the pen to move – Practice
  • Dealing with the question of “Am I just making this up?”

Module 6: Continuing the Journey

  • Predictions vs. Future Probabilities
  • Sharing guidance with others
  • Practice, practice, and more practice
  • Resources to continue to grow

Training Materials Included:

  • Call Replays, Recorded Exercises, Meditations
  • Exercises and activities to help anchor in what you are learning.
  • Intention Worksheets
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