Our Sacred Journey

Connecting the Dots of Our Sacred Journey

Our Sacred Journey


Back in May of 2012, I was concerned about the stability of my family as a unit and the different paths we were on. I asked my guides about this. The answer that they provided, helped me see the situation from a new perspective and from a place with much less fear.

I hope by sharing this with you, you too, may gain a shift in perspective that helps you on your journey.

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Channeled – May 4, 2012

Your path is to connect. Connect the dots, so to speak. Each dot by itself seems meaningless, but is needed for the whole. (The image I was receiving was of a children’s connect the dots puzzle.)

The “Path” (a person’s path in life), likewise, seems erratic and without purpose, but only because of the limited view. When looked at as a whole, all is divinely planned to bring the picture into form. So it is with your Path. You have only to pick up the pen and focus on moving to the next dot.

How do you know the next dot, you ask?

By the pull of the energy and the feeling in the center (of your body.)

Each has their own picture to draw in life, which are like the dots that appear scattered about (on the page) without the expanded view. Yet there are many “Pictures” that fit into the bigger scenery, yes? (The image I was receiving was still of a children’s connect the dots puzzle, but with each individual image in the picture on the page was a separate “connect the dot” image.)

You do not need to walk the same path, create the same picture (as the other person.) You must allow others to connect their dots, create their picture and your group’s beautiful scenery will become as beautiful as the most prized paintings in your world.

Go now and connect the dots.
Your picture is waiting!


5 thoughts on “Connecting the Dots of Our Sacred Journey”

  1. Yee-Haa Sherry….Being your Brave Hearted Soul Self!
    What a journey we have been on, and I so appreciate our Soul’s Paths crossing.

    I am so glad you connect the dots for my website, you website wizard you.

  2. I loved the way your guides used the images as well, I also remember saying ‘joining up the dots’.
    Thank you for sharing.

  3. My picture may be different but my journey too is guided. I do my best to follow not lead. Through the years I have learned to “trust the process” of the pull, the nudge and regardless of the outcome I do believe there are no mistakes. Thank you for your story.

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