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Abundant Autoresponder Challenge Day 5 – Creating Email Connections

So, if you have been keeping up with the challenges, you just finished tweaking your welcome email. Now it’s time to look at (or create) the rest of your follow-up emails (autoresponder sequence). If you followed my advice of signing up for your own list with a separate email account, you can edit and work through them as they hit your inbox. Another option is to open them and edit them one at a time as time permits in your auto-responder dashboard. Either options works, just make sure it gets done sooner rather than later. It is so easy to say… “I’ll do that later.” I don’t know about you, but when I plan on “doing it later” life always gets in the way. However, if you don’t you are short changing yourself and all your subscribers that you could be serving in a bigger way.

So, as I said, today we are going to look at each of those follow-up messages from the point of view of our subscribers and customers. You want to look at both the content and the offers you are presenting them with. Let’s run through some questions you may want to ask yourself as you read through each of the email messages.

Before we get started, take a few minutes thinking about and clarifying your target audience and your ideal subscriber. The clearer you get about this person, the easier it will become to edit your messages and craft new ones going forward. Picture your ideal customer and subscriber as that ONE person who is your IDEAL client. Be as detailed and clear as possible. This will be the ONE person you’re writing to as you work on all your email marketing.

Do Your Subject Lines Speak to Them?

Start by reviewing the subject line of each message. It’s what will inspire your subscribers open or not open your email.

Now, I wish I could say “these are the subject lines you should use” but I can’t. No one can!

Why? Because you are unique. Your business is unique. Your subscribers are unique. You get the idea. However, there are types of subject lines that tend to do better than others. You might want to Google “best subject lines” to get some ideas. Then make them your own. Make them align with your ideal subscriber. Start by looking at the stats in you auto-responder software to find out which of your past emails have high open rates and which ones don’t. Then tweak the subject lines of ones that had lower open rates and see if you can’t find a better way to grab your readers’ attention.

Does the Content You Are Sharing Serve Them?

Next, take a look at the content you’re sharing in your emails as well as the content you’re pointing them to in your messages. Maybe you’re linking to a blog post or a video. Review each piece of content and ask yourself if it serves your ideal reader or client. (Remember that ONE person I was talking about earlier?)

  • Are you helping your readers?
  • Are you answering their questions?
  • Are you addressing their concerns?
  • Are you entertaining them?

Keep your one ideal subscriber in mind as you work through the content. If something doesn’t serve them, replace it with something more fitting, or edit and change it as needed.

Remember, you’re building a relationship and you have to earn your subscribers’ trust before they will become a mega fan or paying customer. It’s easy to forget this sometimes when you are just trying to get an email written or an offer out the door. I know I have been guilty of this and I am sure you have too.

Are Your Messages Being Sent In The Right Order?

Another thing to look at with regards to your auto-responder messages, is the order of your messages. Do your message make sense the way you have them set up. Are your readers getting the right information, tips, and offers in the right order? You don’t want to present the solution to a problem you haven’t discussed with them yet for example. You also don’t want them to go off into different directions. The idea is to create a clear pathway from new subscriber to future customer.

Review the order and timing of your auto-responder emails and tweak them. Then compare before and after open and click rates. You’ll be surprised how much difference a simple switch in the order of things can make.

What Should Come Next?

Another thing to think about is what else do your readers need to know or do next on their journey with you? This question will help you decide on the order of messages, what additional messages you can add, as well as ideas for future products and services. This is something you want to continue doing going forward. So, now is the perfect time to put a note in your calendar to revisit this regularly.

What Products Will Help Them The Most?

Of course, you also want to make offers and start making some money from your list. However, you should also have your subscribers’ best interest in mind. Are the products you’re recommending worth the money? Are they a good fit for your readers? Make offers for something that will provide value to your audience and is in alignment with them and your business. Ideally, you want to offer one of your products or services.

But, what if you don’t have any other products or services of your own to offer? Here is what you can do…

  • Look at what software, products and services you are already using. Go to their website and see if they have an affiliate program. If they do, sign up and then you can recommend those products and services (since you already love them) and provide your affiliate link for your readers to learn more.
  • Collaborate and Partner up with other businesses that are complementary to yours and see if you can set up a referral system or affiliate program with them to cross-promote products and services that would be of value to your subscribers.

The key is to just do the best you can for your subscribers. Then you can make a little bit of money while providing additional value to them. Of course, you should always be thinking of what products and services you can create of your own for the future.

So today, go through the messages one at a time and improve what you can. Don’t be afraid to delete entire emails if they don’t serve your customers and subscribers and replace them with something else. You’re in this for the long run and that means taking care of your people and your tribe.

SECRET TIP – Remember, there is no such thing as perfect and these emails will naturally change over time. So, just do the best you can with what you know and have right now. You’ve got this!

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