
Connected Spirit Connected Biz
New Year Giveaway

22 Days of Free Gifts, Tools & Resources for You, Your Business, Your Life.

I'm Sorry this event is currently closed.

However, you can still get a limited selection of featured gifts until April 30, 2022!  
Just click the button below.

The next giveaway is coming in the Summer/Fall of 2023

Hi, it's Sherry,

As we begin a new year, it is natural to want to improve our body, mind, spirit, and business skills so we can make the rest of our year even better. However, it can also be a very overwhelming time of year. 

Trying to juggle the demands of family, business, and clients, amid all the normal challenges, can be hard enough. While juggling things as we head into the new year 2023 can be even more overwhelming. 

We all need support, resources, tools, guidance and healing, to help us start this new year with renewed energy and focus. 

That is what the Connected Spirit Connected Biz New Year Giveway is all about,
sharing gifts, wisdom, and talents with you, in a way where everyone benefits

We all need to take a little time for ourselves each day, to stay focused, centered  and strong in body, mind and spirit. It is only then that we can take care of our businesses, families and clients.

This unique Gift Sharing Event is the perfect way to treat yourself to a wonderful assortment of gifts to help you do just that… stay centered, focused, support your Spirit, your health, your wealth, your biz and to have some fun while you keep moving forward.

What makes this event so special?

This event is smaller and more intimate than the traditional giveaways you may have participated in before. It just might end up being your favorite event of the year.

There aren’t any up-sells or down-sells when you register for the event; and there aren’t multiple screens to click through before you can choose your gifts. So, it is easy to navigate.

It features only a few select contributors (instead of hundreds) so you don’t have to worry about becoming overwhelmed by it all. You can choose the gifts you want and download them today, or come back at your leisure to select new ones each day.

Who wants more overwhelm right now? Right?

Once you register, you will have access to all the gifts. Then you simply choose the ones you want.

However, the gifts will only be available through January 24th.

So, register today!

Here are just some of the Fabulous Free Gifts you can receive…

Sherry Bowers - Time Budget Worksheet
Sherry Bowers - Time Budget Worksheet
Dakara Kies-Manifest Your Hearts Desire
Dakara Kies-Manifest Your Hearts Desire
Heidi Garis - Calm & Confident Guided Tapping Meditation
Heidi Garis - Calm & Confident Guided Tapping Meditation
Free Session - Release 5 Emotions
Kveta Jasek - Free Session - Release 5 Emotions
Dr. Tianna Conte - Jumpstart Your Morning for a Miracle Day
Dr. Tianna Conte - Jumpstart Your Morning for a Miracle Day
Ellen Anne Shapiro - Financial  Fresh Start - a forgiveness Meditation
Ellen Anne Shapiro - Financial Fresh Start a forgiveness Meditation
Lorraine Lane - 10 Ways to Rock Your Networking Game
Lorraine Lane - 10 Ways to Rock Your Networking Game
Sandi Neilson - 5 Signs You Are Not Living Your Brilliance
Sandi Neilson - 5 Signs You Are Not Living Your Brilliance
Kathy Zee - My Dragonfly Walt (A Spiritual journey through grief and loss)
Kathy Zee - My Dragonfly Walt (A Spiritual journey through grief and loss)
Donna Burgher - How to Stop Settling and Get Unstuck
Donna Burgher - How to Stop Settling and Get Unstuck
Kirsten & Jeanne - 5 Amazing Lead Magnet Templates
Kirsten & Jeanne - 5 Amazing Lead Magnet Templates
Jennie Hays-The Silent Threat to Entrepreneurial Success
Jennie Hays-The Silent Threat to Entrepreneurial Success
Sharon Ann Rose-Feminine Embodiment Practice
Sharon Ann Rose-Feminine Embodiment Practice
Vicki Standish - I am Meditation
Vicki Standish - I am Meditation
Patricia Elizabeth - FREE Money Magnet Meditation
Patricia Elizabeth - FREE Money Magnet Meditation
Aurorah Grace - Mini Numerology Reading
Aurorah Grace - Mini Numerology Reading
Eva Goulette-Using a Pendulum
Eva Goulette-Using a Pendulum
Blue Gift Present
Coming Soon
Cathy Hamilton - Cathy Speaks Podcast
Cathy Hamilton - Cathy Speaks Podcast
Carlene Kelsey-Facebook Ad Blueprint
Carlene Kelsey-Facebook Ad Blueprint
Heather Woodward-So, You Want to be a Paranormal Investigator
Heather Woodward-So, You Want to be a Paranormal Investigator
Blue Gift Present
Coming Soon

Graciously offered by these Amazing Partners…

Sherry Bowers, Intuitive Tech Coach
Sherry Bowers - Host
Dakara Kies
Dakara Kies
Heidi Garis
Heidi Garis
Kveta Jasek
Kveta Jasek
Dr. Tianna Conte
Dr. Tianna Conte
Ellen Shapiro
Ellen Shapiro
Lorraine Lane
Lorraine Lane
Sandi Neilson
Sandi Neilson
Kathy Zee
Kathy Zee
Donna Burgher
Donna Burgher
Kirsten Graham & Jeanne Willson
Kirsten Graham & Jeanne Willson
Jennie Hays
Jennie Hays
Sharon Rose
Sharon Rose
Vicki Standish
Vicki Standish
Patricia Elizabeth
Patricia Elizabeth
Aurorah Grace
Aurorah Grace
Eva Goulette
Eva Goulette
Helaine Harris
Helaine Harris
Cathy Hamilton
Carlene Kelsey
Carlene Kelsey
Heather Woodward
Heather Woodward

Wishing you a Connected Spirit,


Your Intuitively Connected™  Online Technology Guide
Certified Angelic Life Coach and Web Wizard 😉

Giveaway Details

The giveaway opens Tuesday, January 3rd, 2023, and closes Tuesday, January 24th, 2023. 

How Does It Work?

Click the button and enter your name and email address. You will be taken to the Connected Spirit Connected Biz Gift Sharing pages. Then just select the ones you want and enjoy!

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