The Dusting, Money, Energy Flow Connection

Last week I received some interesting insights from my guides relating to Money and Dusting. So, I wanted to share this with you. Because…

When we connect with our spirit and our angels and guides we can get some very unique information…


What led up to this was an Aha moment I had a few days before about the connection our money problems have with our physical body. So this particular morning, I sat down to do some “writing” (channeling) with my guides. I asked if they could give me more insight on this connection.  This is what I received….

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Yes, we will teach you of this way of looking at one’s finances & business energy as compared to one’s physical energy, to see the profound connection one has to the other.  For if the energy is blocked in the person, in the body or etheric, how can it be brought to manifest properly in the business? Have you not experienced this yourself?  (They love to toss questions back at me.)

So, the root Chakra you see is the base, is the foundation of self-incarnate.  And it is so like the story you read to children of the 3 little pigs and their houses, built with straw, sticks, and bricks.  Would you not rather have a house built of bricks?

So, how do you Transform your house of straw to one of bricks, you ask? It is about DOING and BEING, not about HAVING and WANTING. Do you see the Difference? Doing and Being speak of energy flowing forwards. Having and Wanting speaks of physicalness of the mind, and of Past and Future, not of Present.  Doing and Being are Energy of Presence, of Here, of Now, of being open.

So, how do you go from having, wanting to doing, being, you ask? You reach out to the Divine. You go within, you look for YOU, and create your P. F. list, those activities in your business that you Procrastinate (P) on or have Fear (F) around. Then you ask which would have the most impact on your business?

Here is a hint…What is the one thing that has been in the back of your mind, the back of your awareness, the one you try to sweep under the rug or stuff back into your spiritual closet? The Nagging One.  That is the one that must be taken out and Dusted off and brought forward.

(Now at this point, I hesitated in my writing, not wanting to use the word “dusted”, and they called me out on it, ha, ha.)

Now you ask about the “dusted off,” that we wanted you to include and not skip. The “dusting off” as you say, is the process of energetically cleaning it, clearing the thought energy of the negative particles, of the “yeah, buts” as you say. Look around your home. Dust there first. Dusting causes energy that then changes the charge of the dust particle, which then sticks to the cloth, instead of the object.  Then the cloth can be washed.


So, dusting has taken on a new importance in my house.  It makes sense that if we can change the energy in our environment, our home, or office, it will make it that much easier to keep our personal energy positive and aligned.
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21 thoughts on “The Dusting, Money, Energy Flow Connection”

  1. Sherry, Yes , I find that when I place an MBO Most Benevolent Outcome . Out to the universe , then let go . For the Greatest and Highest good . It usually comes true .

    1. Kevin, Thanks for sharing. I never thought about it prior to this either. 🙂 But, now that I have more awareness about the connection and am focusing intention along with my cleaning routines things are shifting in my life.

  2. Excellent spiritual thoughts. Spiritual connection goes a long way in everyo0ne’s daily living.

    1. Aloha John,
      I am honored that you shared your thoughts on this with me. I feel we all need to share our wisdom whatever it is, because sometimes just one word can make such a huge difference in how we look at things.

      With Gratitude and Blessings,

  3. Great article. I have been doing a lot of decluttering this month. I noticed the dust, and will be putting more regular dusting in to my cleaning routine. I like the idea of a P & F list. It’s another way to look at the issue.

    1. Hi Catherine, I need to declutter again too. That one is hard for me, because I love paper…notes, books, journals, oh, my! I am glad you liked the P & F list. The funny thing with that was for 3 days after I channeled this message, I had the song “Poker Face” by Lady Gaga (who I don’t like) stuck in my head. Finally, I had to ask “What is the deal with this song?” Among other things the message from the song was the initials P & F. Once I connected that perhaps I was being the Poker Face with Procrastinating and Fear, the song stopped…thank goodness.

  4. Wow what a great perspective. Thanks for sharing this Sherry. I hope all is well with you! ~Melodi

    1. Hi Melodi, Thanks for visiting. All is well here and I hope the same for you too. Definitely a different way to look at cleaning. Especially coming from someone that isn’t the most enthusiastic cleaner on the planet.

  5. What great insight! Who would have ever thought there could be a correlation……..but……….everything is energy. Thank you for sharing this to us all.

  6. Thanks Sherry! Funny how dusting (my home) is one of those things I procrastinate about. Definitely time to change that starting today 🙂

    1. Me too. I have always been bad about dusting. Now that I am looking at it as a two for one benefit, it is much more interesting.

  7. A great post and a great message, Sherry. Thank you for posting it. Funnily enough, I cleaned my room (and dusted it) the other day. You can really feel how the energy flows better when you’ve done a bit of physical spring cleaning.

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