Fear vs Unfoldment

Fear or Unfoldment

Have you committed to Fear or Unfoldment?

Most of us will probably say, “Unfoldment!” At least I did, when my guides asked me about my commitment, last October. Who wants to admit they are committed to fear? Right?

We are willing to consciously commit to a lot of things in life; family, relationships, businesses, jobs, exercise. But, commit to Fear? Who would consciously do that? No One!

But…what about unconsciously? Probably everyone…at one time or another in their lives.

So, what they shared with me, was a bit of an eye opener at the time. Even now, I catch myself avoiding taking certain actions, because of fear. This caused me to re-read what they had shared with me and then share it with you as well. Perhaps it will help you too. Once we become aware of where we are truly committing our energy, then we can make changes if we need to.

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Channeled – Oct. 22 2015

I am here my Telose; (that is what my guides call me) and it is good to have you here.

Now, you have work to do, as you know; and you must commit to it before it will flow with ease. So, what do you commit to?

You say…your business.

You say…your family.

However, the fear is what you have really committed to, not the unfoldment!

We know you are ready and that all your people are ready. You only have to act as if and become that which you wish to be. For it is already in the ethers, waiting to manifest into your existence and time.

Believe and Act.

Say “No” once every day.

Say “YES” twice and reach out for those who will take your hand.

And so it is, my Telose.


What can you say yes to today?

For me, I am saying “yes” to sharing more of the channeling I receive as well as intuitive readings. Perhaps, it can help others. Perhaps, it could help you.

I’ve been guided also offer a…  Summer Solstice Abundance Reading to tune into the Energy of Abundance that makes up this year’s Summer Solstice.

You can Schedule this special Summer Solstice Abundance Reading Here. Available only today on the Summer Solstice (June 20, 2016) at a Special 50% Thank You Discount just for you.

There is powerful energy today with the Universal Date an 8 and many other powerful astrological influences. Let’s find out how to use this energy for your abundance!


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