Learn More about GDPR

GDPR and Data Documentation

GDPR regulations go into effect this week, on May 25th.

We should all be taking it seriously because even if you don’t have an email list, it could still affect you.
(Think social media and Facebook Groups.)

So, what do you need to do to stay in compliance? 

Documentation is really the first step.

The regulations require us to keep better track of:

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  • what data we collect,
  • why we collect it,
  • where we store it,
  • how long we keep it,
  • who has access to it
  • and more.


It can be a daunting task for sure. 

The best way to start is to document what you are doing with the data in your business and write down the details.

That is why I created a Data Documentation Worksheet to help you and I do that.

Once you have the details about your data mapped out, some of the compliance requirements won’t be so hard. For example, if a subscriber (aka Data Subject) asks you to delete their data, you will know where you need to go to delete all of it. 

You can get your free copy here.

It is an excel worksheet that lists a lot of data you might be collecting without realizing it. Then it asks you a comprehensive series of questions about that data and gives you the space to document the answers.

Now just so you know… when you first look at these questions your eyes may glaze over.

However, there are several benefits from documenting things anyway.

  1. The first is that you have to! Because, guaranteed, you probably have someone on your list or in one of your FaceBook groups who resides in an EU country.
  2. By taking a closer look at how you are processing and handling your data, you will probably see areas where you can simplify and make things run better and smoother.
  3. You will be safeguarding your business from future headaches and potential fines.

So, grab your Free Data Documentation Worksheet and get started. 🙂

(And if you could use some help with the techie side of this, check out my support special.)




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