phishing attack on gmail

Phishing Attack on Gmail Accounts

There is a new phishing attack on Gmail accounts that is really hard to spot!


If you have a Gmail account or know someone who does…this is what you need to know!


Because I am a bit of a techno-nerd, (O.K., maybe a BIG techno-nerd.) I subscribe to several security newsletters. One of them just released a blog post about a new threat that is targeting Gmail users and their contacts.  Since approximately 60% of internet email is Gmail and those who don’t have a Gmail account, definitely communicate with others who do, this threat pretty much includes everyone!


However, what really makes this threat bad, is how easy it is to fall for it. Even security professionals are getting caught by this.


This is why I want to get the word out. So, you will know what to watch for and how to protect your account. I created a short training video to share what I know about this and show you what I am talking about. Normally, all my training videos are housed inside my membership site (you can join the free version here.) but because of how important this is, I am also posting it here.

Please share this post and training video with your Gmail friends!

P.S. If you would rather skip the video, I’ve added the links to the original article below.

(Click Below to Play)

[video_player type=”url” placeholder=”” url1=”” url2=”” width=”560″ height=”315″ align=”center” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″]aHR0cDovL3MzLmFtYXpvbmF3cy5jb20vQ29ubmVjdGVkU3Bpcml0L0NTVFQlMjBNZW1iZXJzaGlwL21vbnRobHktdGVjaC1jYWxscy9DU1RULU5ld19QaGlzaGluZ19BdHRhY2tfQ29tcHJvbWlzZXNfRW1haWxfQWNjb3VudHMubXA0[/video_player]

Original Security Article by “Wide Impact: Highly Effective Gmail Phishing Technique Being Exploited” – This is a website recommended in the above article, to check and see if your email address has been exploited.

4 thoughts on “Phishing Attack on Gmail Accounts”

  1. Thanks so much, Sherry, for this timely information and warning. Interestingly, I actually did set up a two factor authentication for my Yahoo account just a week or so ago. It IS kind of a pain, especially if I am on my computer in one room and my cell phone is in another room. But if it helps, then it’s worth it. I guess I should consider doing it for my gmail account as well! (And I have to admit that I am a little worried about what would happen if I lose my phone!!!)

    1. Hi Cynthia,

      Good for you on protecting your accounts. Make sure you set up your security questions and an alternate email address that can be used to verify your account. That way if you ever do lose your phone you will have an alternate way to try and get in. 🙂

  2. Hi I just listened to this video you did on this hack for Gmail’s. I was wondering how I put it up on my face book account to let my friends know about this I have already tweeted it. Thank you for the information

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