Seeing Around The Bend

Seeing Around the Bend

Do you ever feel like you can’t see around the bend?

Do you feel like you are going in circles?

It happens to us all at some point!

This whole idea of spinning our wheels, going in circles, and just generally not being able to see what is coming can really throw us into a dark place.  So how do you find the light switch in the dark?  For me, that is when I have to step back and reconnect with my own guidance.

So, I asked for some clarity on this idea and wanted to share the guidance I received. May it bring clarity to you also!

Channeled – November 3, 2013

You are each here at this time for a spectacular reason. You each have guidance waiting for you, you have only to receive it, trust it and act upon it to bring into manifestation what you desire. The energy of love, of peace, of authentic action, that you embody and bring thru is of great importance to this world, the planet, the solar system and beyond.

Realize that each fear is an opportunity for great growth and rapid expansion, beyond what you believe is possible at this moment in time. Yet, it is possible! And that is why so many of us are here to assist each of you at this time.

Each step shall become clear as you take the step you see, the step you are drawn too. Know that you may not be able to see around the bend and that may cause you fear. However, that does not mean there is “NOTHING” around the bend. It only demonstrates that it is hidden from view and is still within the “Changeable” future.

You are meant to live and create in the present. That must be your focus, for that is what is before you now and within your physical reach to act upon. As you take action in this present moment the future changes and adjusts based on your actions in the present. This is why you can not see beyond the bend, as “that present moment” has not yet been finalized in your creative path.

Once an action is taken, the new present comes to form and the hidden comes into view up to the next bend, so to speak, which is poised, waiting for your next choice and action. That is also why you may be feeling as if you go in circles, for if your future is as a bend in the road, waiting on your present choice and action, yet you take the same actions, make the same decisions, your path will also turn to the same direction and the same present will be created as you circle into the same “Decision Direction.”

Do you see how each moment and decision has the potential to change your own life as well as that of your world? As the same principles exist, only on a much expanded scale.

So, we ask you…. What nudge, what inner pull are you experiencing now? This is your guidance. Take one step in a new choice, a new direction. Judge not what is around the bend. Know that it will become clear as you finalize it by your choices and actions in the present.

Living your life in this way is using faith in the unseen as you may have never done to such an extent before! Remember you are guided. That is the key. You have only to listen, receive, act and be thankful, be grateful.

If you found this channeling helpful, you might also enjoy this one I received recently about the difference between asking for another sign and asking for the next step! You can read it or listen to it here.

I would love to hear about your experiences as you follow your next steps! Leave a comment.

Would you like to learn how to connect to your own guides? Check out my Connected Spirit Soul Writing™ Course.

4 thoughts on “Seeing Around the Bend”

  1. Sherry this was great! I have learned that valuable lesson here lately the past few months. Still not 100% but I can say this much, I am SOOO much farther than I ever was in life, now! I have seen in taking the step, not having the “Blueprint” in my hand first, MANY miracles come out of it, Especially now, causing my faith to become strengthened. Baby steps, but now I seem to be taking much bigger steps, and SEEING it with my own eyes, the next step is revealed, along with what I need for right now. I think where I am, if everything was given right away, I would learn to depend on myself again, and I feel we would stay stuck in a very small limitation of what we think we are from that place. I was recently shown the four stages, Dormancy, Budding, Reluctant, Blossoming, after learning this I noticed I have lived most my life in Dormancy. I may hit reluctant, but soon as the “tests” of myself would come to rise, I headed back to Dormancy again, cause it’s safe, comfortable, my comfort zone! But, my soul would not rest there, it got bored, so back to the next stage. Reluctant stage is one we all have to go through to get to Blossoming stage. Often it is the chaos, or the storm before the calm. It pushes us, strengthens us, but often comes in form of money issues, family issues, job loses, etc… I have recently endured so much of this chaos, but, when I seen the stages explained, I knew I had to push through as I want to Blossom and do the thing I raised my hand to do. I pushed through, and it was NOT easy, but, within a few hours time, what I thought was stopping me from making the decision, was taken care of, just in time, just what I needed.. Causing my faith, TRUST to sky rocket, PLUS, giving me big in sites to other opportunities, outcome unknown, but, I have faith in knowing if I do the steps, RISE above the circumstances I think are unable to overcome, I have now seen, the next step will be revealed. If we truly knew the answers, our future completely I feel we would somehow sabitage it, so for me, I would rather enjoy the journey, take the steps, let my guidance show me, and have fun!!

  2. Great post Sherry, and hi Pat.

    After pondering your post and Pat’s comments, I came up with how I feel on the topic.

    To-nite I drove home from town in the fog, and that how I fee,l like I’ve been “dancing in the fog forever”! Only being able to see one step at a time, and it’s starting to become 2nd nature.

    My main guide is taking a step in the direction that “feels light inside my body”.
    When I’m rolling thoughts in my head over and over, I get delayed.

    The other way I experience this process, is by “Following the Divine Crumbs”… one synchronicity at a time.

    Great connecting with you here.
    How does it get any better than this?

  3. Just had to share a few thoughts that surfaced while reading your message.

    You talk about: “… each step becomes clear as you take the next step – the step you are drawn to”.

    But it’s that next unknowing step into our future, the future we create – that step forward into the fear of the uncertain – that holds us and our “what if’s” back. While it protects us from harm, it simultaneously, kills our progression.

    I feel empowered and motivated and yes, compelled to take THAT NEXT STEP … but then panic at stepping into more uncertain territory that immobilizes me.

    As you said: “As the step is taken, the present comes into form and the hidden into view…” That’s the reward after the fear. I can pretty much deal with the fear DURING the next step….but it’s the deep desire to know that step is the right one. How do we know?

    Grant me the knowledge and I will summon the courage!

    Thank you Sherry for the wisdom of this post. It triggered more questions within me that need to be resolved before my next step! It’s a good “next step”!

    1. I know trusting that the next step is “right” is the hardest part. It asks us to trust in a way that we don’t normally do in our life. The other thing that has helped me is to understand that there really aren’t any “Wrong” choices (short of committing a crime)…inconvenient detour choices…oh, yes.

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