Ask for the Next Step

Ask for the Next Step

Should you ask for another sign or ask for the next step?

Have you ever done this? You ask the Universe for a “sign” to help you make a decision. Then when the Universe gives you the “sign”, you ask for another one?

I’ve done it! We all have.

Actually, my husband is going through this right now. He works as the lead custodian for a Title-1 Elementary School. He wants to pursue his dream of being a full-time artist (which he definitely could do, and not just because I am biased). He is only months away from being able to retire and to say that there have been challenges with his job is a complete and honest understatement, but that is a different story.

So he has been asking the Universe (aka the Divine) to give him a sign that it is time to leave. Here is what happened one day (100% true story).

He was having a particularly hard day and stopped at one point and he asked the Divine to give him a sign that he should be painting instead. Shortly after that, on the same day, the principal comes up to him and says…

“Mr. Bowers, I need you to move this furniture away from the wall because the PAINTERS are coming in to PAINT. So, I need you to move this stuff so they can PAINT.”

OK, that seems pretty clear, but to him, it didn’t feel specific enough. So later that afternoon he asked again but was more specific. He told the Divine… “I want to be an artist, I want someone to tell me I’m an artist.”

Again, a short time after that (still the same day), the Principal called him to the office and said…

“Mr. Bowers… You’re an ARTIST… can you help us pick out the color for the PAINT.

Can you say “Wish granted!”

However, he is still struggling with the “when” part of the decision, and things just keep getting harder. We were talking about it this morning before he left for work.

This brings me to the download I received today.

There is a Huge Difference Between Them

It was coming so fast, that I recorded a quick voice memo on my phone of what was being shared with me because I knew I would forget it if I waited to write it down.

You can listen to the recording

The Difference Between Asking for Another Sign or Asking for the Next Step

OR read the transcript of it below.

Okay, I had this I brainstorm, download…

The difference between asking for another sign when you’re trying to make a decision, and you don’t know which way to go, versus the power, and the better option, I think, of asking for the universe to show you how to make X happen.

You know, if there’s something that you’re wanting to do, and you’re afraid to do it, and you really know that really is what you want to do, and you’ve already asked the universe for confirmation of that, and the universe keeps telling you the same thing.

Yes, do it. Yes, do it. Yes, do it.

And your fear is keeping you from doing it for whatever that reason is.

A better use of your connection to the divine, instead of continually asking, “Well, show me another sign, I want to make sure that’s the right way to go.” So by doing that, we’re asking, we’re kind of telling the universe, okay, I don’t believe you yet. So, show me something that will make me believe, and kind of by default, then it’s almost like we’re asking for more struggle, more hardship, more, more of all the negative things that would make you want to stop doing what you already want to stop doing. You’re just afraid to do it. Right?

So instead of doing that, if we can shift that question, shift that energy and that focus, and instead ask the Universe with your cards, with your pendulum, whatever, you know, with your journaling, whatever you use to connect to the Divine, shift that question to be something like, “Okay, I want to do this, show me how to make that happen. Show me the next step.” And that’s the key.

Because, you know, we want to know, the whole blueprint, we want to know every single thing between here and there, what we need to do so that we can, like, commit to it, right? And that’s not how it works.

So you’re going to ask, “okay, what’s the next step that I need to take to put me in alignment with what I want to make to help this, me create this? “

And the universe will say, “Oh, sure, no problem.” This is what you do, and you’re going to be shown that next step, but then it’s back on you at that moment, it’s back on you to take that step.

But that step is going to be a positive one, versus asking for more proof, which nine times out of 10 is going to be more negative because that’s where our heads are, that’s where our feelings are at. That’s where our anticipation is at. And so that’s what the universe is going to give us.

If we can shift it to, okay, who, what, when, you know, show me what to do next, to make this outcome to create this outcome that I want. Now, there it’s a positive expectation, it’s forward-looking, it’s going to move you towards your path instead of more of what you don’t want.

So I just want to share that with you. I hope that helps. You know, it seems so simple, but sometimes, it’s the simplest things that can trip us up, right?

So with that, have a wonderful day, many blessings, and wishing you a Connected Spirit. Always!


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You see, there is a huge difference, energetically, between asking for another sign and asking for the next step.

If you found this post interesting or helpful, you might want to read this “Seeing Around The Bend” too.

I would love to hear about your own experiences with “Signs” and “Next Steps”. Please leave a comment below. 🙂

Would you like to learn how to connect to your own guides? Check out my Connected Spirit Soul Writing™ Course.

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