The Magical Doorway into the Divine

If you like Eckhart Tolle, Krishnamurti, Kahlil Gibran and Deepak Chopra…

I would like to share an author with a similar message—-Devrah Laval is the author of Magical Doorway into the Divine. Her book is based on her personal experience of enlightenment and spiritual awakening.

In her book Devrah Writes:

“There comes a time when we become so tired of the empty repetitive-ness of the surface reality that we long to find the key –that will open each door and allow us to return to who we really are”.

At the age of twenty-nine, Devrah Laval – master counsellor, facilitator, and author of The Magic Doorway Into the Divine – had a life-altering mystical experience along with a profound physical healing that awakened her to her own true nature.

Since that time, Devrah has facilitated groups and individuals to help them more fully realize the potential of their own radiant Self. Her book can help us each to take our life challenges, whether personal, financial or some other type of loss, to a new level of consciousness.

The Magic Doorway into the Divine is an amazing guide for anyone with the courage and the heart to embark on the journey to higher consciousness. We are all being pulled in the direction guided by our souls and as we shed our former traditional identity, many are finding themselves in a scary, lonely place, not knowing where thy fit any more. Devrah offers insight, understanding and practical tools to help us through this place of chaos and confusion and out the other side into a new world of hope, love and serenity.

I was blessed to be chosen as one of her partners for the release of her book.
As a Special Thank-You For those who… purchase her book TODAY, September 13th, 2011

She is offering over 85 Amazing Contests and Prize Giveaways from people such as:

  • Eckhart Tolle
  • Gary Renard
  • David Riklan
  • Arielle Ford
  • Peggy McColl
  • Christy Whitman
  • Dr Joe Rubino
  • Me, as well as many others

I encourgage you to check invest in The Magic Doorway and yourself!
Just make sure to get your copy today so you can also enjoy all the amazing Thank-you Prizes!

Wishing you Your Intuitive Best!

Sherry Bowers

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