Using Intuition to Move Through Fear

This morning I want to touch on the topic of fear.

In my Intuition Journal I mentioned that part of the importance of keeping a daily record as you learn to work with your intuition is the ability to see the patterns, energy patterns that are flowing through your life at the time. One patterns that has been challenging me personally at this time is Fear. 

What type of fear?……You name it, from monetary to health, to safety, to growth.  Just because you have and use your intuition does not make you immune.  IActually, as you learn to manage our own energy fields and the energy that is around you might feel this with more intensity.  Why?  Beccause you are opening to and learning to perceive and read all the energy that is around you. I don’t think anyone can disagree that we are all being immersed in a level of global fear.  

So here are some tips and thoughts on how to move through any fears you may be dealing with.

  • Pay attention to your breath during the day. Fear creates tightness and restriction in our bodies, you might catch yourself holding your breath or breathing very shallow and rapid.  This is the reaction on the physical level. On the energy level this translates into a restricted flow of  energy through our chakra system and energy fields. It also creates “static” when we are trying to access our intuition. So make a conscious effort to breath deeply and slowly. This has a relaxing effect on the body and mind, which will alow the energy to flow.
  • When you become aware of fear, pause and ask youself, is what I am feeling/seeing/sensing “my” fear or the fear of others that I am picking up. By becoming aware of who “owns’ this fear you will find it is easier to move through and release.

Next time I will provide you some tips on tools that I use to access my intuiton when there is too much “static” to receive your intuition clearly.

Wishing you Your Intuitive Best,


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