Becoming Visible

Visibility, is all about Becoming

A while back, I was working on an email about how important visibility is when growing a business.
(Because I firmly believe it is!)

However, I found myself thinking…

  • Visibility… Ugh… that word is SO overused.
  • What the heck does it mean for us… for the healers, coaches, and spiritual entrepreneurs?
  • Is it REALLY that important or is it just hype and rhetoric that I have bought into?

I know what has happened in my business as a result of more visibility, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what I wanted to say about it. Because I KNOW it is important…but, how do you explain that?

I also know that it can be very hard, especially if you tend to be introverted (like I am) or are lacking in self-confidence (like I was back then).

Then I remembered a channeling I had received back in 2015. It is as relevant now as it was back then.

Back then, when I was still in the early stages of my business, I posed this question to my guides about the topic of visibility…

“Why is Visibility so important for healers, coaches, and spiritual entrepreneurs? Why should they care?”

This was their response:

Channeled – Wednesday, 2/25/2015

So, you ask about the “Visibility Factor” of the businesses that they have.

It is so much more than the physical visibility of being seen, of their face being recognized or their name. It is the beacon of energy that is sent out for all to see (energetically) or  “pick-up.” It is a guiding light for others to find you, yes. As the lighthouse guides a ship or radar guides a plane, it is this energy that is transmitted, the unseen energy broadcast system that is the underlying power of visibility. For visibility is useless if not aligned with the person’s soul and purpose.

So how do you use and harness…no…magnify this energy broadcast system? By allowing grace and gratitude and giving to flow and form the base of all actions.

Yes, you are told to not give away all for free. This is true, for you must live in the physical, which requires a physical exchange of value or compensation, as you say. This is not what we are talking about. It is the essence of the actions, it is the energy of heart, of authentic purpose, of desiring to assist others on their path and aid the growth of the planet.  So, by aligning actions with the energy of grace, gratitude, and service and then allowing it to flow to actions, this energy broadcast system is activated and magnified. The physical visibility will follow as is required by manifestation laws.

So as I pondered what they said, I realized that I started activating my “energy broadcast system” when I started blogging regularly.  It provided me with a way to start “becoming” more aligned with my purpose, my brand, my path, my ideas, my readers, my business… well, simply more aligned with everything.

What if something as simple as blogging, could activate YOUR “energy broadcast system” TOO and help you “Become” More Visible?

It can.
It did for me.
It can for you too!

Intuitive Guide to Blogging
Learn how with the…

Intuitive Guide to Blogging

This 6-module course will teach you how to put your blog to work for you energetically and strategically… EVEN… when you don’t know what to do or what to write.

6 thoughts on “Visibility, is all about Becoming”

  1. Love your clarity, to receive such a perfect message. It aligns perfectly with what I’ve gotten, and is something everyone needs to know. (Though I need lots of work on this myself! Knowing and doing are not perfectly aligned yet!)

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