Why Develop Intuition?

A Real Life Example to Share

Sometimes guidance can come so fast that it just can’t be captured in written text. That is how this morning was. So, I grabbed my recorder instead, because I wanted to share with this with you!

[audio_player style=”1″ url=”http%3A%2F%2Fs3.amazonaws.com%2FConnectedSpirit%2FAudios%2FSpecialMessage-RealLifeExample-3-01-2013.mp3″]

So….How is your intuition guiding you today?
Leave a comment and share.
It helps us all grow!

7 thoughts on “Why Develop Intuition?”

  1. Sherry thank you, that was good advice you have on the support. Staying connected is so important, finding a mentor would be very helpful. I write, during a group with a life coach to practice. Some beautiful and profound messages have come across for people.They seem to be timed right for them. I usually don’t remember what I write and when I go back to reread the messages I am in awe, or I say wow! and thank you! I don’t talk or write the way they come out. I have done some Love Messages in a name for people. It’s usually if I’m inspired to do so, like I was with you. I’ve done it for a few in the group I write for and my girls and granddaughter. I did two children’s names ages 1& 3 for a friend at Christmas time. I also did it for Jill Miller and Remi who were on you and Annette’s show. That was cool. Thank You for putting that in a better format for me. I sruggle with computer savey and also not very artistic. Wish I could find a good computer program to do this? My friend thinks I should start a Spiritual Blog. I have notebooks full of writing. I have no idea how to start a blog. My daughter said she learned at collage and could help me. We’ll see. But, thanks a lot for showing me that. That is great! and you are very welcome I’m glad you liked it:) It was sent with Love. Many Blessings ,Lisa Ty

  2. Sherry thanks for sharing your Joy and inspiration. Your words touched my core, as Trust is such a big factor in moving forward. You are leading by example. Congratulations.

  3. Here’s your Love Message in your name:
    I ask my Source, my angels & guides what is
    the Love Message in Sherry’s name? & I write:
    (S)Shares &
    (R)Remembrances &
    = SHERRY
    Sherry’s Love stems from her Eternal Source
    which she willingly shares as she remembers.
    She is a Blessing!
    Inspired Writing from Lisa Ty 3/1/2013

    1. Wow! What a beautiful message! Thank you! I changed the layout of your message just so others who read it realize that your message showed the meanings of each letter in my name. When I read your message it took me a few minutes to realize that. Do you do this for others? I am sure there are many people who would love to receive the love message behind their name! What a magnificent gift! Thank you! Thank you!

  4. Thanks for sharing this Sherry. I do inspired writing
    and I get awakened all hours of night to write
    down what my guides want me to know. I do have
    to write very fast or I miss it. So this is a good idea
    to record it. Also, the messages you got really
    resonated with me I am going through similar things
    in trying to find my spiritual path. I have been writing
    some of those same messages. They really want
    Me to move forward but I’m still trying to clear
    layers that sabotage me. They want me to spread
    Love messages and be a conduit for healing work.
    The courage hit home. They keep telling me to Trust my
    writing( what they are telling me) and my inner wisdom!
    I will be anxious to hear your idea!:) next time I’ll share the Love
    Message I got in your name:) blessings, Lisa Ty

    1. Lisa,
      Thank you for having the courage to share your journey too! I know how gentle, but persistant our guides are, in nudging us to move forward. The Two things that were the most helpful for me in stepping forward more where: 1) Taking an intuition/angel communication class. Even though I already knew how to receive guidance it helped me practice walking my talk in a safe and supportive group. 2) Finding and connecting with one person/friend/mentor who was just a bit ahead of me in walking her talk, to collaborate with. Our strengths complimented each other and we are able to hold each other to our path in a supportive way. I guess it is really all about Trust, Faith and having support. 🙂

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