Why it is SO important to Share!..

Why It Is SO Important to Share?

I asked…”Why is it SO Important to Share?”

If you have been reading my emails lately, you know I have been encouraging my tribe to reflect on who has made a difference in their life.

But…what about the other side of that equation? Who have you made a difference to?

I decided this morning to ask my Angels and Guides…so, “WHY is it SO important to share?” This is what they had to say:

Channeled – May 4, 2014

We are here my Telose.

(Telose is my nickname.)

So you ask, “Why it is so important for the healers and coaches to step into their purpose with both feet at this time?”

All you have to do is look around you at the events taking place in your world, in your countries, in your cities, even in your homes. So many old patterns and habits are showing themselves to you and these old patterns are no longer serving you as a person nor as a planet.

So change must come, and it begins with each person taking what they have, taking what they know and sharing it with LOVE. That is why it is so vitally important for each individual to move forward in their divine purpose. This forward motion can be big or small. That (size) is of no consequence. What is important is that it is done with the energy of love, of service, of kindness.

Know this…there is nothing great or small that if done with love will not be multiplied tenfold, beyond what you as an individual can see or comprehend. Each person plays a part in this. Each act of sharing with love impacts all.

And for those who are called to do more, know that there are many of us ready and willing to assist you. You have only to ask for assistance and be open to the answers that come to you in whatever form they come to you.

That is all, my Telose.

What inspired me to ask my guides about this was a lively discussion I had with Rev. Anne Prusuel last week. We were talking about how some memorable gifts we received from others, inspired us and made an impact on our lives and business.

We shared our conversation on a Google Hangout so you can check it out here.

P.S. If you would like to learn how to connect with your own guides and channel their wisdom and insights. Check out my online course “Connected Spirit Soul Writing™”

Connected Spirit Soul Writing
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