Wonderful thoughts to Make Your Dreams come True!

One of my good friends Patty Sadallah, sent these wonderful words that I want to share with you.

“Trust that little voice in your head that says “Wouldn’t it be interesting if…”; And then do it.” Duane Michals

On some level, you know what you are capable of being or doing. Your intuition gives you glimpses of what might be by giving you a brief, but clear image of the successful you. Have you ever imagined yourself doing something so outrageous, so significant and then dismissed it as simply impossible or to far reaching for you to go for?

Trust the voice in your head. You can do that thing or be that significant person. If you couldn’t, you wouldn’t have imagined it. I NEVER imagine myself doing brain surgery or flying to the moon. That’s not a possible dream for me. But, I do imagine helping hundreds of people acheive their dreams. That is possible for me.

Close your eyes and imagine. What’s the biggest thing I can see myself doing or being? Then GO FOR IT!


Patty Sadallah
Dream Partner Catalyst


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